FluxAI Pricing Plans
Free Plan
Limited Chat & Limited AI Images
Try us out with Limited AI Images that feature a FluxAI watermark and an AI Chat with basic features.
$0 /month
- 100% Private
- Community Support
- Short Chats
- 7 Days History
- 10 AI Images*
- FluxAI Watermark
- Short Term Storage
Supporters Plan
Full Chat + AI Images
Support the Flux Project and experience FluxAI with AI Images and full conversations.
$5 /month
- 100% Private
- Dedicated Support
- Long Conversations
- 12 Months History
- 300 AI Images*
- Watermark Free
- Long Term Storage
Supporters Plus+
Even More AI Images
Become a Supporter Plus! Upgrade to a plan with up to 2000 Images every month!
$15 /month
- 100% Private
- Dedicated Support
- Long Conversations
- 18 Months History
- 2000 AI Images*
- Watermark Free
- Long Term Storage
*Create up to 10 monthly Images w/ Free Plan and up to the stated amount for the paid plans.
*Unused Image credits do not roll over to the next month and will reset back to the plan's amount.
During peak times, delays in image generation may occur with rate limiting and queuing.
Current maximum image width is 1024 pixels and may increase in the future.
All pricing in US dollars.